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Early Nutrition and Microbiome Maturation

Learn about the fundamentals of gut microbiome maturation and its impact in early life.
Together with Dr. Caroline Le Roy, let’s take a look into the overview of the Gut Microbiome in infancy, and the health implications that occur when it changes; scrutinize trajectory ways of capturing gut microbiome evolution, connecting it to diet, and from here, mitigating challenges patients may face along the way.

Human Milk Bioactives & Child Health

Discover the various aspects of human milk bioactives, and how this intertwines with child health.
Join Dr. Hanne Tytgat as she talks about human milk as a means of complete nutrition for child development––the gold standard in the early life of the child. Learn about the functional effects of HMOs, its impact on the gut microbiota composition, its modes of action, and many more.

A Child’s Nutrition and Epigenetics

Ever wonder how our genes and nutrition are interconnected?
Dr. Catherine Lynn Silao walks us through nutritional genomics and epigenetics, which provides an understanding of how nutrition affects the balance between health and disease, as well as how our genes can alter the body’s response to nutrition, thereby promoting health, to help us in our own clinical practice.

Nutrition and the Metabolic Health of Children

Learn about the different changes in nutrition and health priorities in children, starting from the mid-20th century until the present. Prof. Ian Macdonald talks about relevant growth in early life, the shift in preventing undernutrition to overnutrition with today’s obesity epidemic, and the long-term impact of metabolic programming to the child’s health.

The Triple Burden of Malnutrition in the Era of Globalization

Now is the time to look into one of the biggest health problems in our world today—malnutrition.
With a remarkable discussion from Dr. Andrew Prentice, let’s learn about the definition of the Triple Burden, its fundamental origins, as well as their many interlinking factors, in order to investigate the primary causes of this complex and urgent concern in the era of globalization.

Changing Landscape From Nutrients to Dietary Patterns: Implications to Child Health

Explore the changing landscape of nutrients and dietary patterns, as well as its varying implications on the health of children today.
Catch Dr. Jossie Rogacion as she discusses what a healthy diet is composed of, along with its methods of derivation and underlying studies, in order to better know how a specific pattern can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases in the long run.

Early Development of Food Preferences and Healthy Eating Habits in Infants

Did you know that infants have around 10,000 taste buds? What does this mean for us in our practice as doctors? Learn more from Dr. Andrea Maier-Nöth as she tackles the early development of a child’s sensory experience, early food variety during complementary feeding, the theories behind them, and its practical use especially for our patients’ parents.

Past, Present, and Future of Human Milk Research

Learn about the impressive evolution of human milk research, and what these innovations mean to us in the present day. From millions of years ago, to where we are now, to tomorrow and beyond, Dr. Sagar Thakkar takes us on a journey through decades of research on mother’s milk, its nutritional components, and its impact on dietary health.